We believe that junior high students need

  • to be reminded that learning is fun and that they’re good at it

  • a supportive, inclusive community of peers and mentors

  • to build executive function and academic skills that prepare them for high school

Middle school can look like this: No more homework battles. No more test stress. Curriculum that includes plenty of banned books. And a schedule that gives your family lots of time to just be together. The Academy junior high program helps you put family first.

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The Junior High is a place where kids can grow community, gain confidence, and develop a life-long love of learning.

What’s the point of middle school?

We think it’s to gain confidence through honing academic skills and expanding your core knowledge base, to build your community of peers and learn to work with them, and to preserve the love of learning that so many people seem to lose sometime between elementary school and high school. Junior high is a huge transitional time: Kids are changing emotionally, and physically, and what they need to thrive in their learning lives is changing, too: Homeschoolers are ready to venture beyond parent-led learning, and traditionally schooled students may find middle school a challenge to navigate academically and socially. Our junior high is a supportive, inspiring middle school alternative for Atlanta tweens who want to enter high school as happy, confident students.

What do junior high students learn?

The Academy follows a fairly classical liberal arts curriculum with a heavy emphasis on critical thinking, reading, and writing. Like the High School, the Junior High follows a four-year history cycle (Ancient History, European History, U.S. History, and Asian/African History) which focuses closely on a few specific topics. A typical schedule includes: Mathematics (covering fundamentals for middle school math through geometry), Grammar and Writing, History, Literature, Science, Spanish, and an elective. Our classes also focus on study skills: you'll learn how to manage long-term assignments, how to study for a test, how to write a research paper, how to take notes, and other skills that will serve you well in your post-Junior High life.


The junior high meets two days a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This year is our U.S. History/Literature/Chemistry year, and we have some great classes lined up:

  • MATH Math Lab is back for fall, and Jason is ready to guide students from the very beginnings of mathematical understanding to foundational high school level work.

  • HISTORY As usual, we’ll be honing in on two key periods of history and exploring them in depth. This year, our focus is on the history of the United States.

  • LITERATURE Literature links up with history, and students will be exploring historical fiction and some contemporary works.

  • SCIENCE It’s our chemistry year, which means we’ll be focusing on the periodic table and chemical reactions.

  • CRITICAL THINKING One of our core classes, critical thinking aims to give students the skills they need to ask big questions and build their own understanding of the world.


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